Sunday, June 20, 2021

 On the Road from Cuba, June 20, 2021

I first posted these 13 abbreviated understandings in a February, 2014 posting on this blog from Cuba.  They are a natural follow on to the Unity Manifesto and the understandings that under pin my last posting.  These are a revised version of the original.   


Understanding How Subtle/Divine Energy Works                                                                                  

1.    All things are interconnected by a common “thread” of Divine energy.  For this reason separation from the Divine is an illusion masked by the reality of a physical form.  All of life is sacred because of this relationship. 

2.    Thoughts are a form of energy.  They are the engine of creation of one’s experiences individually and collectively.  We are co-creators with the Divine through them.

3.    Through our intention and focus we create our experiences.  If they are from fear we create experiences of anger, hate, violence and wars.  If from love, we create experiences of compassion, kindness, peace and joy.

4.    What you resist will persist, what you acknowledge and release will fade away and disappear. 

5.    The ends and the means are one because of our interconnectedness.  We cannot escape the inevitable consequences for our words, thoughts and actions.  We reap as we sow.  If to violence the outcome is more of the same while Love is its own reward.

6.    Love, compassion, kindness and similar feelings are positive energies of higher vibration or frequency that bring balance and unity.  They have the inherent power to throw out and transform negative energies.  Nothing is more powerful and nothing can overcome them.   

7.    Hate, fear, anger and similar feelings are negative energies of low vibration or frequency.  They are the energies of separation, estrangement and imbalance.  Flee them! 

8.    Our true nature is the life force energy within us that is to say Love in our finite understanding of the All-That-Is commonly called God.  There is Divine “thread” within each of us.

9.    Love is the “I am” some of you understand as God.  There is nothing in the creation of your understanding that was not created through the power of Love.  “I am” is present in all things including human beings. 

10.  The Way to peace on earth and with the earth remains eternally the same through the power      of Love.  Love manifested itself through the life and teachings of Jesus and other spiritual masters.  From his example we understand the sacrificial nature of Love.

11.  When you give of yourself unselfishly to a greater good it is impossible to not receive in some manner.   “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”

12.  The Way of Love is narrow but not impossible.  It is a matter of personal choice and desire through a process of transformation.  It requires a voluntary dying to your ego, your self-centered self.  You become heart centered through the power of Love.  

13.  Intention is more important than perfection.  We are not perfect as human beings and make mistakes.  It is as important to love and forgive oneself as it is others when this happens with the intention of not repeating them.