Friday, December 21, 2012

Some Thoughts on Gun Violence in America 12/21/2012

My dear friends,

I feel compelled to say a few words about the multiple shootings and death of young people by gun violence.  There are things all of us can do to stop this insanity.  And yes, tighter controls on guns are a part of it but only a part of the answer.  But gun regulations do not get to the root of the problem we have created in our society.  

As I have said here before all things are connected energetically.  We really need to reexamine everything we are doing from an elevated consciousness that knows and understands this reality.   When we allow young people to disconnect from the real world for a make believe virtual one that frequently fills young minds with nothing but violent images and they see this repeated in real life events,war for example, and other media forums we've engaged in a form of unintended brain washing of impressionable young minds.   And what do these images and events imply but that use of violence is acceptable for resolving our differences.   In the virtual world there are no consequences for the protagonists.  In the real world there is real blood on the ground and dead bodies.  Stop this insanity.  Give our children and young people positive things of a nonviolent nature to live for rather than spill real blood and die for.  Reconnect young and old alike with their roots in the natural world rather than being fed a constant diet of negativity and violence found in the virtual one and not infrequently in the real one.  

We create from our thoughts individually and collectively.  Thoughts are creative energy.  And we have created a violent world from the misperception that we are somehow separate from other sentient beings or All That Is, known by many names.  We are only harming ourselves.   This is worth repeating until it really sinks in and begins to make a difference.  Hit you head against the wall often enough and pretty soon you'll figure out this really doesn't work so well and you'll stop doing it.  It is time to stop.   

On this auspicious day let us resolve to make peace on earth and peace with the earth a priority for all of us.   Your peace center lies in the heart.  That is the first place to begin real peace work.   Let your cultivation of that inner light shine forth brightly into our world to help heal and create a new earth from this day forward.    

Feliz Navidad y Ano Nuevo del Yucatan, peace, love and joy to all,

Peace Rider


Peace Rider On The Road Again

Hi Lois,

Nice to see a note from you pop up on the screen, a reminder to me to say hello and post on the blog.  

I'm now relaunched in another place arriving Cancun the day before yesterday with bicycle.  Took me a couple of hours to put it together and head down the road toward Morelos south of Cancun about 10 miles.  Stayed with an artist there a couple of times in the course of the Peoples Climate Summit.  Renato was not at home when I showed up but one of the workers there gave me the okay to stay when I explained my connection.

Pitched my tent and crawled in when the mosquitoes came out at nightfall.  Boy was it muggy humid.  I just lay on my pad with only my swim suit on for a long while.  But it cooled off later.  Put on a shirt then towards morning  a light cover.

The next day I wasn't moving fast and got off to a late start or probably just in time southbound for Playa del Carmen as a next stop.  By this time the sun was up, hot and I'm sweating like crazy.  Right around noon I arrived at Playa and tried to call my friend there but only got a message that the phone was disconnected.  I forgot to transfer his street address to my new book.  Oh well, kept going south to Akumal to another friends place where I stayed before.  I was camped next to Nancy de Rosa for the PCS.  She has a  bar and places for rent on the beach, lovely spot. 

But getting here didn't remember the exact turnoff and go down three false trails before finding the right one.  So here today at her place Villas de Rosa and using her computer.  Feet in the sand at sunrise on the beach.  A beach bum yellow lab was on the beach in the evening.  I would throw an unhusked coconut into the surf and he would retrieve it.  If I didn't throw it in he would paw it back into the water, watch it roll back and forth then grab it, haul it back up on the beach and then repeat the game.  

Today, shortly after I finish this will pedal a short way down the road to Gabriel's place, a Maya elder I met at the same time as Nancy.  Two years ago I showed up at his place,  as it happened, on the same day 12/21 but then not aware of what day it was.  Anyway, he has just a sweet spot in the jungle, a community actually, with a gem of a cenote or spring on his finca or farm.  It's perfect for cooling off during the heat of the day.  

So excited to be here, don't know what will happen but then if I did it would spoil the fun of discovery.  Could be the end of the world as we know it, not a physical end but a change in perception and evolution of consciousness.  In fact this seems to be happening and a thing I have mention on the blog. 

Learned that because of the Maya connection a lot of celebrations will be going on at different ruin sites Tulum and Chichen Itza two I know about.  A big music festival at the latter, not sure at the former.  May visit one or both while I'm here but not sure when.  Probably spend Christmas at Gabriel's place but will see where the winds launch me.

Nancy has an organization called SAVE.  You can check it out on the web.  Shes been involved in trying to save the mangroves along the coast and turtle nesting beaches.  But it's been tough going against developers with deep pockets and money to spread around.

Had a wonderful time with the Warrens in Miami.  First stayed with them on way to PCS.  Their young daughter, Natalie,  now out of St. Olafs is trying to start a business in Minnesota to reconnect young women with nature.  A worthy effort.  Connected with her, home for Christmas, just before leaving for Mexico.

About all the news for now

Feliz Navidad y Ano Nuevo, peace, love and joy to all.

Palante, onward,


Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Some Thoughts from On the Road 12/9/2012

If you think it's hopeless because of what's happening on the surface think again.  If you think we are abandoned in our hour of need you would be mistaken.  Human consciousness is evolving. We are a race awakening.  We are being pushed to a higher level of consciousness because our survival on the planet depends on it.   A wise person would not wait until a full blown crisis was at hand when current severe climate events are indicators of what will only get worse as the atmosphere warms further and sea levels continue to rise.   We know governments will not save us.  It is as Margaret Mead once said ¨Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world.  Indeed it is the only thing that ever has.¨   

We cannot solve our problems at the same level of egoic consciousness that created them to paraphrase Einstein.  The growing perception is that we are all One.  It is an illusion that we are now or ever have been separate from one another, creation or All That Is many call God.  The egoic state of consciousness by its very nature reinforces a perception of separation.  This widespread belief reinforces the illusion, that there is no connection (energetically) between ourselves or any other thing in the created order.  It is from this false belief, just a thought really, that all of our problems have arisen.  It has served its purpose which was to provide a contrasting field in our physical reality.  We could not know in our experience what Oneness is without having experienced separation, or what the good is without the evil, the up without the down.   We now have a collective memory of these experiences with their pain and trauma.  It is no longer necessary to keep repeating these experiences but only to remember.     It is past time to create a heaven on earth instead of the recreating the hell that has been our long history.  We risk our survival on the planet if we persist.

Sending our young people to fight our wars with the belief that killing is justified creates an internal conflict between the mind/egoic state of consciousness and what the Higher Self within each of us knows is only harming itself.  Healing those who return with PTSD requires great compassion and understanding.  Wars and violence inflicted on the "other" we label as enemy become unacceptable practices when we know in advance we are only harming ourselves.  

All thought is creative of our experience individually and collectively.  Thought is energy. In that sense we are co creators with the Divine of our experience.  From the misperception of separation we have created the world we live in.  As we collectively awaken and turn aside from our past it is important for each of us to flee negativity, especially with the chaotic events unfolding at the moment.  I like what Peace Pilgrim had to say about this, I don´t eat junk food and I don´t think junk thoughts (negativity).  On the other hand thoughts with the highest vibration (energy) are love, peace and joy for example.  It is these thoughts that have the greatest coherence and power to change the world we live in.  

There is nothing to fear as we create a new world based on the reality of interconnectedness or Oneness.  Change and impermanence are constants in our world.  Death, there is no death, only a change of worlds,¨ Chief Seattle.   We are spiritual beings, not our minds or bodies, having a human experience.  We are not without recourse or help in our hour of greatest need.  We only have to ask.  

Be open minded,  keep love, peace and joy in your heart and a smile on your face as we tip toe through the tulips - we're in very good hands. 

As for me I will be tip toeing south by bus from Boquete to catch a plane from Panama City to Miami this Friday the 14th.   I will be in Miami a few days before flying to Cancun in the Yucatan of Mexico to close out the year there with friends.  The adventure continues, have-bicycle-will-travel.  More down the road.  

Peace Rider - Don