Tuesday, September 4, 2012

On the Road from Tegucigalpa, Honduras 1/2/2011

Arrived here this AM tired after climbing over two mountain ranges..  This Sunday is literally a day of rest for me.  After finishing here try and climb out of the valley into the surrounding pine hills headed for Danli.  Won´t get there today though.

Beyond Danli will head into Nicaragua via Somoto and Estelli.  If road conditions permit down the east side of Lake Managua crossing into Costa Rica at outlet of Lake and San Juan River.  From there to San Jose, CR.  Hopefully, get to Boquete and my friend´s place by mid-Jan.  But one day at a time4

Had a Channel 10 TV crew catch me on the outskirts of San Pedro Sula a few days back.  Did some filming and an on the spot interview, my first.  In Belise a family just out of a 7th Day Church Service invited me to have dinner with them, it was noon time.  Wonderful!  Chickens, dog and cat underfoot in their simple home but a family rich in way that count most.

Camping out at night, try to find an out of the way and mind spot.  A place is always provided.  I´m cared for.  Manage to find small patch of nature everywhere, my favorite spots in trees by riverside.  I´m usually awake by 5:30 but don´t get up until 6:00 and just getting light.  Begin packing my things, dry the tent if I´m able, usually a heavy dew fall overnight.

Last night and this AM first rain in weeks, this at higher elevation between 4 & 5 thousand feet in pine forest.   On the road by 8:30 or so, start looking for a place to camp about 5:00 and usually in bed by 7:30 PM or so.  Usual dinner fare rice, pasta, onion, dried beans and some seasoning, bread if I have it and fruit dessert.  Cooking on an alcohol stove.  Alcohol from local pharmacy, use few drops of paint thinner to light.

Long nights but I need the rest.

It really has been a joy being on  the road again.  Lots of things going on.  Many vendors at road side selling fresh fruit, pineapples, mandaring oranges and bananas, apples from the States, and inexpensive.  One hot day milk from a cold coconut really hit the spot.  Another purchase was a small bottle of African bee honey.

Water I´m getting from gas stations or streams.  It´s been hot and sweaty work climbing hills and drinking buckets.  Disinfect all with iodine drops.

Got to hit road.

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