Thursday, March 20, 2014

Cuba Adieu, from Holquin 3/20/14

Dear Friends,

This may be my last post before returning to Miami.  Time with friends and travel will keep me busy and away from a terminal. 

Raman Gonzalez and family isn't back yet.  If it works out I will see them in Gibara the 22 to 24th and return by bicycle here.  I will take a detour to check out Marina Vita near Guavalavaca. 

If I were to summarise my experience here in just a few words it would be tranquillo and blessed.  I heard the former spoken often.  Cubans have achieved what we have not, something that can't be bought - peace.  There are no guns on the streets, and very little violent negative energies coming through the media that children might have access to. 

Young children, dressed in neat, clean, purple and white uniforms are taken to school by their moms in places.  There is no fear of violence in the schools or on the streets at night.  It is one of the safest and most welcoming countries I have travelled in.  Like any society of human beings it is not problem free.

I'll be back.

Peace Rider

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