Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A Final Posting on the Road from Holquin, Cuba written 3/23/2014


Thirteen Things You Need to Know

The Maya consider the number 13 sacred meaning Love
Not written in order of priority 


  • Come to these with and open mind and heart.
  • Test them in you own experience to the extent you are able before you dismiss or discard them.

1.  Everything is connected to everything else energetically - everything.  All of life is sacred for this reason.  Nothing is inherently separate from any other part at this level.  Separation is a created illusion.

2.  All thought energy  (arising from emotions and experiences ) is creative of your experience(s) individually and collectively.

3.  What you focus on grows because thoughts drive energy; if to fear the result will be experiences of violence, wars and anger,  if to love, compassion and kindness the result will be experiences of peace, joy and fulfillment.

4.  Love, compassion, kindness and similar emotions are high frequency positive energies (vibrations) of unity and balance.  They have the inherent power to drive out or transform lower frequency energies.  None are more powerful, nothing can overcome them.  They are sacrificial by their nature.

5.  Hate, fear, anger and similar are negative, low frequency energies of separation, alienation and imbalance - flee them.  See 3. 

6.  Our True Nature or essence is life energy or consciousness - eternal Love in our limited understanding.

7.  We are from the unmanifest of many names;  God, Allah, Source, Buddha Nature, Creator, Universe, All That Is and more manifesting and experiencing itself in a myriad of form one of which is human kind.

8.  The Way to Peace on Earth and Peace with Earth remains eternally the same,  Love as manifest in the lives and teachings of spiritual masters (men and women) through the ages.  Some would argue the Christ called Jesus was the most highly evolved of these, a shower of The Way through his life and teachings.

9.  When you give of yourself in service to the greater good of all without expectation of reward it is impossible to not receive in some way. Thus "it is more blessed to give than to receive."

10.  The Way (Love) is narrow but not impossible (see 3).  It takes humility, prayer, practice, denial of self and an open mind and heart. 

11.  There are unavoidable consequences for every choice whether of action or doing nothing (also a choice), see 1. 

12.  Because everything is  interconnected (see #1) the means and ends are one.  For example when the means is violence the result will be the same.  And when love and compassion are the means the end will also the same. 

13.  Intention is more important than unattainable perfection.  Love and forgive yourself when you fall short in some way even as you would love and forgive others.

PS  Remember to have fun in the process "All the world's a stage..." Shakespeare. 
Peace Rider

The only ones among you who will be really happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.  Albert Schweitzer

Note:  Since originally posting this from Cuba I have made a few minor changes for clarity.

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