Friday, April 30, 2010

On the road from Dublin, 4/30/10

Friend (Joe) - You decide to take a break from the road and vacation in Ireland?

PR - There's a thought. It's Dublin, Indiana a small farming community 17 miles west of Richmond, IN. Was passing by saw the sign for the local library and here I am.

F - Where you staying tonight?

PR - As usual camped out somewhere probably short of Richmond, IN. I've got miles to make yet today.

F - Where did you stay last night?

PR - I was in the clover, literally, about ten miles west of Indianapolis. Found a nice place out of the way on the edge of forest and field. red ringed black birds were serenading me this morning.

F - How was Highway 40 going through the City?

PR - As is happened I went around on quieter streets, mostly. But it's huge. I didn't put it behind me until early afternoon.

F - I'll let you go.

PR - Catch you later.

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